
March 25, 2011

David Arrives in Paris

"It was an opportunity to flip over the Etch A Sketch of my life, 
give it a good shake, and start again
~ David Lebovitz 

The Sweet Life in Paris is an easy and enjoyable read.   I love quotes so when I saw the quote above I knew I am going to love this book.  

David has arrived in Paris with his suitcases "jam-packed with Sharpies, crunchy peanut butter and measuring cups" to an apartment that he was hoping would be his dream based on the photos online.  It wasn't quite the dream; it needed some work. "I ordered a salade [sic] and the first of many glasses of wine, which I quickly surmised would become a good coping strategy for any problems that were to come."  

In comes the French painter. From the trivia contest I entered that won me this book, I have a feeling the painter will be around for awhile.

Levovitz's writing style reminds me of another favorite author of mine, Bill Bryson.  I find myself laughing out loud as I read and, David's style of writing makes me feel like I am with him there sharing the experience.

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