
March 23, 2011

The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz

A few weeks ago I entered a contest on a blog site which I came across via Twitter.  Serge is from New Jersey and he shares great information on food, wine, travel, books and all sorts of thing that he comes across in life. He posed the following trivia question:  
What is the easiest thing to take care of in Paris out of these 3:
-Get rid of roaches?
-Have the house painter complete his job and leave?
-Open a bank account?
The winners received a copy of David Lebovitz's book "The Sweet Life in Paris"; I was one of those winners.  (Yay Me!!).

My book arrived about a week ago and today I started reading it.  As I read I will continue to blog about it.  I must say the first impression is wonderful; how many books have a picture of a tasty croissant and coffee on the front and just after the title page a two-page picture (though black and white) of Eiffel Tower shaped Fromage de Chevre (Goat Cheese). At that moment I thought "Hmm...maybe I should be drinking wine while reading this book." Because I am reading it on my breaks at work the wine won't work, but maybe later when I am reading at home. 

A quick thumb through the book I see recipes that I will definitely try with notes on my blog to follow.  Most of them are not Small Servings, however may be good for entertaining.

I have also looked through David's website ( and ....well, let's just say every recipes I looked at looked positively wonderful! I am stuck on the ice cream and sorbet page.  Watch for more on my experimentations with his recipes.

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