
April 22, 2011

Minnesota Food Bloggers at The Local

Tuesday night I attended my first event with the Minnesota Food Bloggers.   Our host, The Local, an Irish Pub on Nicollet Avenue in downtown Minneapolis. I wasn't too sure what to expect, but enjoyed it from the moment I walked in the door.

Greeted with a sample of 2 Gingers Whiskey. It was mixed with ginger ale and a refreshing way to start my evening.  I look forward to finding it on the shelf of my liquor store. Later in the evening Kieran Folliard,  owner of  The Local, Kieran’s, The Liffey, and Cooper Pub, spoke to the group.  Kieran told us that his pubs were the #1 account for Jameson whiskey in the world and he created 2 Gingers as very own whiskey.  I am a fan of Jameson, now 2 Gingers is on my whiskey drinking list.  

As the food arrived around the room I noticed no one touched it until it was photographed by members.  The food was a sampling of The Local's menu, but far from typical bar fare.  Mike Phillips of Green Ox Meat and the chef of the Local provided a wonderful combination of charcuterie (the art of making sausages and other cured, smoked and preserved meats) that included fennel salami, Genoa salami, collard head, pork terrine, saucisson l'ail, pork rillette, coppa, lomo, and lonza on the charcuterier board as well as cottechino style stuffed pig trotters with hen of the woods mushroom in the stuffing and grilled ramps. One other platter with Jambon de Persille. (Thank you for the list Mike). In addition to the charcuterie were samples from their bar menu including fish and chips; chicken shots, sausage and mash made with their black pepper and leek sausage; house made pretzel rolls, and a mini veggie burger on cucumber. Everything I tasted had incredible flavor, nothing over powered another item.  I cannot say I had a favorite of the evening because I enjoyed it all,  but I will say I am a fan of the meats, oh and the pretzel roll.    

It was a wonderful evening.  I met a lot of great people who blog, tweet and use Facebook; I look forward to following their blogs and meeting up with them again. 

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