
July 18, 2011

Tomato Salad

Early this Spring I bought Chef John Besh's book My New Orleans simple because of the chapter Creole Tomatoes.  I couldn't wait for the farmer's market season to pick up the best varieties of tomatoes.  I was drawn not only to the recipes and photos in the book, but to the stories told with each chapter.

When the temperature today was in the high 90's, I knew I didn't want to turn on the stove for dinner. I took the wonderful, fresh ingredients from my trip to the Mill City Farmer's Market this weekend and made dinner.

I took the heirloom variety of tomatoes I purchased  and sliced them to create simple tomato salad. I seasoned them only with fresh ground peppercorns and a little Balsamic Vinegar drizzled over the top.  Not only was the plate colorful, it was packed with fresh flavors and the perfect light meal for a hot day.

While at the market I picked up ciabatta bread and herb goat cheese. I thinly sliced a the ciabatta, spread goat cheese and topped it with yellow and red cherry tomato and diced cucumber.

My salad tonight wasn't the exact salad that Chef Besh has in his book, but I will be making his recipe after my next trip to the farmer's market...Keep watching my blog, it will be worth the short wait.

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