
August 31, 2011

Uncle John's Blood Mary Mix

The Bloody Mary mix can make or break your Bloody Mary.  I have been trying to find the right one to go with my pepper infused vodka for quite sometime.  I finally found one when I ran into John at MGM Liquors in Burnsville.  He was sampling Uncle Johns Bold Bloody Mary Mix and also the Uncle Johns Spicy Bloody Mary Mix.  I tried both flavors.  The mix had a fresh tomato taste with just enough spice in both to please the palette. The mixes didn't taste salty; that is something I have found with several other brands.  I have used Uncle Johns Spicy Bloody Mary Mix and even people who do not like spicy Bloody Marys agree this one does not have overpowering spicy flavors and they enjoyed it.  The mixes would be great for Virgin Bloody Marys and the website has some recipes utilizing the mixes.

Uncle John's is a local company out of Rochester, MN.

Where to buy: Buy Uncle Johns

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