
November 8, 2011

Help it is the the office!!

Tis' the season for the holiday snacks to come out at the office.  It starts November 1st when the remains of the Halloween candy show up and goes through January 1st when everyone starts their new resolution to lose weight.  Here are a couple of my favorite ways to avoid the extra temptations of the holiday snacks. 

Starting the day off right has been something we have all been told since we were very young.  I usually don't have time to eat breakfast before I head out the door in the morning, but when I get to the office I enjoy a cup of oatmeal.  Instant oatmeal packets have about 110 calories and are quick.  I buy quick oats in bulk to save money and it allow me to create my own flavors by adding nuts, dried fruit. A half cup is about 150 calories. I keep a container in my desk drawer with oatmeal and pouches of dried fruit.  Don't have milk at the office? I have mixed non-dairy creamer with the hot water to give the oatmeal a creamier taste. Zero-calorie sweeteners can be found at most coffee stations, just add one packet.

My dear friend and lifestyle expert, Ross Sveback has come up with incredible recipes for breakfast bars that are good any time of the day.  His recipes include: Cherry Almond Oatmeal Quiona Breakfast bar  and Monster Breakfast Bar  and Chewy Breakfast Bar.

Keep some simple healthy snacks on hand. 
  • Fresh Fruit - When I shop I will grab an apple, orange, a pear, a banana, a bunch of grapes or berries.  Having variety I don't get bored with the same snack everyday.  I find in the Fall when Honey Crisp apples are in season I do choose more of those because of the limited season and the great taste. The average serving of fruit is around 70 calories
  • Whole Wheat Crackers with Peanut Butter -  This combination provides carbs and protein which help to keep feeling full longer.

  • Go Nuts! Premeasure nuts into baggies of nuts and keep them in your desk drawer. Almonds and other nuts are a naturally high source of vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium and are rich in protein and fiber. I prefer unsalted to eliminated excessive sodium and often times I find I will eat more salted than dry roasted or raw nuts. 

  • Popcorn- While popping popcorn in the microwave is is a sensitive issue in may workplaces I like to make mine on the stove at home and bring it to work with me. One of my favorite toppings is shredded Parmesan cheese. 
  • Snack Bars -  come in all sorts of favors and nutritional value. I am a fan of Larabar because they are rich in fiber, low in sodium, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and run around 200 calories per serving. 
Keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in your desk will help reduce snacking.  Immediately after eating breakfast, lunch or a snack brush your teeth.  

I avoid sugary beverages such as soda because of the “empty calories” and few nutrients.  According to the University of Minnesota "Pop accounts for more than 27 percent of Americans' beverage consumption."

Keep hydrated and drink water. We have all heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day."; that is about 1.9 liters, make sure you adjust that amount for exercise and climate. According to the Institute of Medicine "adequate intake for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) and for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) per day."  

Enjoy the holiday season!!

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