
January 28, 2013

Fifty Lanterns Uganda Trip

Hello Family & Friends!

When I was laid off from Supervalu in September 2012 I never realized in the short time how my life would start to change. I feel I finally am discovering my own purpose. My goal in life has always been to make small differences in people's lives; recently I was given an opportunity to change a lot of lives in a way that was larger than any I would have imagined.

Linda presenting solar light

My friend Linda Cullen Weiley is the founder of Fifty Lanterns International. Fifty Lanterns International is a Minnesota-based nonprofit organization that partners with established humanitarian groups to provide communities in the developing world tools that provide safety and opportunity through renewable energy sources such as solar-power lights and arrays-they bring light where there is none. The solar lantern can rid a home of toxic and expensive kerosene and the risk of a deadly fire. With the extended day that the solar light gives a family, children may do their school work, daily activities can be completed after sunset. Fifty Lanterns has completed 17 major distributions or solar installation projects since it was founded in late 2004 including homes, schools and hospitals. Each of these projects made a vital difference in the lives of widows, orphans, families, and disaster victims. Linda and other Fifty Lanterns representatives personally deliver the lights for each project.

I have been helping Linda promote and raise money to purchase lanterns. The most recent project will provide solar lights for a group of Ugandan grandmothers who take care of orphans with AIDS. Linda has asked me if I would go with her in March to deliver at least 250 lights to the grandmothers.

This is an opportunity I have been doing serious discernment about. Maybe the reason I haven't found a full time job yet is the God has a purpose for me on this trip. I know there are risks involved in traveling to a developing country and I need to be smart in my decision. However the advice I give to others keeps going through my head "You can't fly if you don't leap!" It's time for me to leap!

The cost of the trip will be approximately $2500 (I am estimating higher until airfare is confirmed) and I will be gone for 10 days. The trip dates will be confirmed in a few days, but I will be leaving the end of February. I am sending this to ask for your financial support for this trip. Any money donated above the cost of my airfare will be given to Fifty Lanterns to purchase more lights for future projects. In addition to cash and check payments I have a credit card reader to process credit card payments. I hope you will consider helping me achieve this opportunity. Please contact me by email at and I will provide you with my address and/or phone number.

I will post on my blog so you can keep updated on my journey. I hope you will consider helping me achieve this opportunity.

Thank you!


1 comment:

  1. You can also pay via Pay Pal by using my account
