
March 2, 2013

"I just show up."

What a journey so far!  Linda and I left Minneapolis,  Minnesota on March 1st.

I have to give a big shout out to my friend Emma Held for taking such great care of Linda and I.  We enjoyed a light lunch at Shoyu of Lettuce Wraps, Spring Rolls, and Spicy Noodles. Before we left Emma gave me a Moleskin travel journal and provided Linda and I each a bag with snacks and water (unfortunately we had to donate the water to the very friendly TSA staff of Terminal 5. The young gal thanked us and assured us they would be drank)

We flew Delta to Chicago with our seatmate Tamera. She was flying from Los Angeles to Chicago for her friend's 50th birthday; not only was it a surprise party,  but she was a surprise guest.  Tamera is a mother of two, her son is off to the University of Michigan to study theater; he is already an accomplished entertainer. Her daughter is a teenager. Tamera was awesome to sit by. (Linda and I wished she was sitting by us the rest of the way) We told her about our trip to take solar lights to the Ugandan Grandmothers and she was moved.    

In many conversations with strangers often the question is asked "What do you do for work?" this conversation was no different.  Tamera said,  "I just show up." My puzzled look led her to clarify she does whatever the job is she is being paid to do. I did find out she moved from Chicago to Los Angeles to do hair and make up 20 plus years ago and she is "still in the business".  We talked about the things we do that make us happy and how we thrive and become better people when we do things we love.
"I just show up." That is what I feel I have been doing since being laid off in September 2012. I am doing things that I enjoy (and sometime get paid for). I am happy!  Yes, I am still pursuing a full time job,  but until that comes I will keep showing up!

1 comment:

  1. Following the trip and as I type I know that you are still in the air from AMS to Entebbe.I will keep checking in :)
