
March 3, 2013

Sleepless in Uganda

It's 5:33am I have been laying awake since about 2:00am. I have tried all my tricks to try to fall asleep-staring at the ceiling fan,  saying a rosary,  reading, and even playing Fun Towers and Majoung on my tablet.  Linda was up too for awhile but has been able to get back to sleep.  I am hot it has to be about 75 degrees in our room. We have a portable air conditioner, but it doesn't seem to be working unless you are standing right by it. There is a ceiling fan but unless it is turned the right way you won't feel cool air, besides the room has a high ceiling. I keep checking the hotel Wi-Fi to see if it allows me to get online, the signal says it is strong but maybe they do something to conserve energy. Time to try it again. I will give it a few minutes to see if it downloads any emails or let's me get online. No it didn't work. I will try again at 6:00am when the staff might arrived to prepare for breakfast. Linda and I were planning on waking up at 7:00am, that is one hour and ten mintues, to have breakfast, pack our stuff and be ready for our ride to arrive. I am so hot that I will take a quick shower before I get dressed. I was hoping to sleep because we have a 10 hour ride ahead of us and I don't want to spend it napping. 

***This entry was written 3/3 but I didn't have wi-fi to post it.

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