
March 28, 2011

Go at it Alone

Linda and I enjoying a Cosmo at Nye's
Many people are hesitant or even afraid to step into a restaurant alone to dine. I am not one of those people.

I am a Groupon user and for the past few month's I had a $50 Groupon to Nye's in Minneapolis; it happen to expire on March 27th.  My friend Ross and I tried unsuccessfully to use it Saturday night.  We went for what we thought would be a late dinner only to find out that every other Groupon holder must have had the same idea. (Glad I am not the only one to procrastinate) The hostess, who was definitely a fan of Aqua Net hairspray and painted on eyebrows (read about Nye's on another post soon and you will understand or visit their website) told me she could not put my name on her list because by the time they got to us the kitchen would be closed. I did notice at least 2 pages of names in front of her and another list on a clipboard held by another hostess. Ross and I realized that even if we did manage to find a spot at the bar it would be a long wait for food and we pressed on to another location.

Sunday I was still in search of some to take advantage of my $50 with me.  I thought I had someone lined up and the plans changed. I thought I have two options: (1) Lose the Groupon that I paid $25 for or (2) Use it, I could always take food to go.  I decided -GO FOR IT!  Down to Nye's I went.

I got the coveted, rock star spot right in front of  Nye's and went in.  The host advised me that the procrastination of Grouponers continued and there would be an hour wait.  I put my name down and watched the bar like a hawk for an opening.  I knew I didn't need to take up a table that would have seated more people patiently waiting.  The wait was not long and I saw a gal stand up and reach for her coat.  I swooped in like an eagle after a mouse for the chair.  (Yes, I was polite about it) As I stood there a woman approached and asked if I would be sitting in the now vacant seats, I told her I just needed one and I was thinking of ordering my food to go.  I offered her the extra chair and said she could have the one I had once I had my food.  I found out her name was Linda and she too was a Groupon procrastinator. Her husband Jim joined us at the bar.  We finally  got to order drinks from the lone, overwhelmed bartender.  Linda and I enjoyed the recommended Cosmo (they were good) and Jim had a Blue Moon.  I put in my order to go and they put in their order to eat there.  As they dined in and my food sat on the bar ready to leave we did something most people are afraid to do with strangers -we talked.  We spend the next few hours discussing everything from The Apprentice to DVRing  to restaurants and travel.  I explained craft cocktails, my favorite places such as The Inn and Saffron, and told them about my blog and my dining experiences.

Two Cosmos later I got into my car and said "What a fun night!" Sure it was almost 10:00pm and my food was cold, but it was a wonderful experience and example of what happens when strangers share a space (or table) and start to talk.

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