
March 26, 2011

Vacation at Caribe

Sweet Potato Pancakes
Tropical Juice (Pineapple) Mimosa
Today I decided I needed my long overdue vacation. Yes the sun is shining, but the temperature is about 21 degrees. Without the need to dig out my passport I headed to St. Paul, MN to try Caribe.

I arrived and walked through the swinging doors that separate the boring white and gray outside to the bright colors of the Caribbean inside. The colors were not the only thing to greet me; I was greeted by Sharone. I chose a seat by the window to soak up a bit of sunshine.
I started with a coffee as I perused the brunch menu. The Sweet Potato Pancakes kept calling my name. Of course the artichoke omlet sounded good too. I went with the Sweet Potato Pancakes.

For brunch they have a bottomless orange juice mimosa.  Also, they make a tropical juice mimosa (this one is not bottomless) I couldn't pass up the tropical juice of the day mimosa, it was pineapple. I am on vacation and it was wonderful!

The pancakes were wonderful. They had great flavors and were light. They were topped with a papaya rum compote, whipped cream and candied pecans. The three cakes were just the right amount. No additional sides accompanied them, the are not needed.

As my vacation ends I am satisfied with my brief stay. I will vacation here again, I see there is a house made sangria that I will have to try.

Thank you to owners Tony and Heidi and their staff for a wonderful mini-vacation!

Check out their website at
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