
June 12, 2012

11.2 Is Officially Crossed Off!

Photo Courtesy of Adam Grim Photography
Photo Courtesy of Rocket Club
11.2 on the 12 in '12 List was to meet Chris Hawkey. During the week you find Chris producing and co-hosting  KFAN's The Power Trip. When he is not at KFAN you find him singing  vocals in the band  Rocket Club

Chris often will ask for Friday KFAN requests on his Facebook status. I usually request something from Caribou.  For some reason, Chris actually wants song requests...I figured he should be more specific(just kidding).  He would often respond that he was on his way, but then along the way he drank my coffee so he had to turn around. (Ha Ha!)

Recently Chris asked his Facebook friends who liked Caribou--ME! His question was a teaser to announce that Caribou Coffee would be the official retailer for Rocket Club's new CD North Country.  If you haven't picked on up yet, you should! ($9.99)  This was a perfect time to ask Chris about meeting; this time I would bring HIM Caribou.  He invited me to join The Power Trip in studio on May 27th. Because the running bit with Chris and I is Caribou coffee I made sure I came prepared with a large Americano for him and a large one for me.

I started my visit by sitting in the studio with Chris and John(if you want Twins information he is your guy  and then moved into the larger studio with Corey, Mike and Meatsauce (aka Paul). We were joined in the studio by Viking's Tight End Kyle Rudolph, and then later by Cities 97 Keri Noble. 

It was a great behind the scenes experience!   Wow, radio sure has changed since my DJ days in college.  I appreciate Chris and the guys welcoming me in for a visit. 
Cory, Chris, Me, Mike, Meatsauce

Check out more of my friend Adam Grim's work at Adam Grim Photography

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