
June 5, 2012

Why Jump Out of a Perfectly Good Airplane?

I figure it is better than jumping out of a bad one!  

I keep seeing people posting on Facebook about going sky diving.  They usually talk about being afraid or saying "I have always wanted to but..." But what?? Get out and live!!  I say the same thing "GO DO IT!" Until the first time I jumped I was the same way; I kept saying "I have always wanted to sky dive" so I put it on my list of 40 Things to do Before I was 40My opportunity came when Crispin Cider hosted their first Crispin Adventure.  It was the way to make the commitment to get it done.  I did it and I loved it! I want to do it again.  Because I wanted to do it again  it is #7 on the list of 12 Things to do in 2012.  I am looking for people to go with me on jump #2.  

Questions I get asked?
Why did you jump out of a perfectly good airplane? I figure it is better than jumping out of a bad one! I wouldn't want to learn to jump out of a plane when it is going down, besides they usually do not have parachutes on board.

Were you scared? I have a slight fear of heights, but I never was scared.  You go through a class and I did a tandem sky dive which meant you jumped with an expert.  My jump master happened to teach the class, his name is Gene and he has over 6,600 jumps and is a pilot.  

Is it expensive?  It depends where you go.  It is about $200.  Worth every penny!!

Would you do it again?  In a heart beat!

What was the best part? When you put your feet out the door of the plane and realize there is nothing below but sky for about 13,000 feet. 

If you are interested in finding out more information check out Sky Dive Twin Cities

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